
Prayer Requests from Baptist Churches in Israel

A note from the Association of Baptist Churches in Israel, who share our prayers for peace and an end to the violence:
The situation in the southern part of Israel has been devastating; it brought us a deep feeling of sorrow, anger, confusion, and concern for the future. In the northern part of Israel, where our churches are primarily situated, we are all safe. The streets are nearly deserted, with the only sound being the frequent roar of military airplanes flying overhead.
During a recent church service in Nazareth, many attenders found comfort in tearful prayers. Despite the continuous influx of bad news, the Lord encouraged us through songs and Scripture. The following are ten things to pray for at this point:
1) Pray and affirm that God is sovereign over the entire universe and has the power to change the situation.
2) Pray for a quick end and that it does not escalate into a larger war in the region.
3) Lift up in prayer those who are grieving the loss of their loved ones.
4) Pray for those who have been wounded during the conflict and for those providing medical assistance to them.
5) Pray for the safety and liberation of hostages, and pray for mediators to facilitate their release.
6) Pray for wisdom and discernment for the leaders, that they may make decisions that lead to lasting peace and alleviate suffering.
7) Pray for Christians around the world to join in prayer for peace, demonstrating the love of Christ to all peoples.
8) Pray for safety of local followers of Jesus, that they will be shielded from extremism and hatred, especially young people.
9) Pray for God to utilize our churches as effective witnesses during this challenging time, through the power of the Holy Spirit.
10) Pray for peace and security for the entire region, and that the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays.
Thank you for your friendship and for your support for the ministry of the Association of Baptist Churches in Israel, as we continue to empower, enhance and expand churches in the land where Jesus walked.
Bader Mansour
Association of Baptist Churches in Israel



Donation Drive for Kids' Winter Items

Our friends at North Buncombe Middle School have invited us to participate in a donation drive for students in need of warm items this winter. A box has been placed near the elevator on the first floor for donations of new or gently used socks, gloves, knitted hats, earmuffs, scarves, small blankets, or coats. 



Worship Service - November 19

The livestream worship broadcast begins Sunday mornings a little before 11:00 am and is saved online afterward. (If there is ever a livestreaming problem, check our YouTube page HERE and our Facebook page HERE.)


Meditation Thought for Worship: It’s easy to think, “I would be happy if I just had a few more things.” But actually, our happiness doesn’t increase when we get more stuff. Instead, our happiness increases when we’re more generous. Being generous also sparks thanksgiving in others, which can then spark generosity in them. That’s the kind of blessing cycle we need to be a part of.

Prelude – “All Creatures of Our God and King”


Call to Worship – “Give Thanks”

Hymn of Praise – “For the Fruit of All Creation”

Old Testament Reading – Deuteronomy 8:11-18

Prayers of the People

Choral Response – “Hear Our Prayer, O Lord”

Responsive Reading

Hymn of Faith “We Praise You, O God, Our Redeemer”

Offertory Prayer

Musical Offering – "With Grateful Heart”

New Testament Reading 2 Corinthians 9:6-11

Sermon “More Generosity = More Blessings = More Thankfulness”

Hymn of Response – “Come, Ye Thankful People, Come”

Benediction – “Sent Forth by God’s Blessing”

Postlude – “Count Your Blessings”

--- Open and read the full worship bulletin for our service today by clicking here.

--- Are you new to the church or the area? Say hello on our Guest Info form here.

--- Is there something we can be praying about for you or others? Share a Prayer Concern, and you can mark how private you would like it to remain, by clicking here.

--- Get weekly updates, encouragements, and info by signing up here.

--- Giving offerings and tithes can be done securely with a card by clicking here.



Bible Study – Conflict and Peace in the Holy Land, part 2

Over the last 150 years, the Holy Land has experienced a lot of changes in terms of who has controlled and moved into it. Different populations, empires, and countries have impacted what life has been like for those who were living there. We learn a lot about that timeline, hear from a Jewish rabbi there, and talk about what the emotional effects have been.



Worship Service - November 12

The livestream worship broadcast begins Sunday mornings a little before 11:00 am and is saved online afterward. (If there is ever a livestreaming problem, check our YouTube page HERE and our Facebook page HERE.)


Meditation Thought for Worship: Jesus’ work on earth, and the Holy Spirit’s work in us, is all about change. A continual process of changing as we grow, mature, and conform our priorities with Jesus’. As our hearts change, we are led to help others change too so that they can mature as their lives improve. And that’s actually how the whole world is changed: one life at a time.

Prelude – “Come Into His Presence / We bring the Sacrifice of Praise”


Call to Worship – “Give Thanks”

Hymn of Praise – “Fill the Earth with Music”

New Testament Reading – Ephesians 4:11-16

Prayers of the People

The Doxology

Responsive Reading

Hymn of Faith “Standing on the Promises”

Offertory Prayer

Musical Offering – "The Lord’s My Shepherd”

Old Testament Reading Isaiah 65: 17-19, 23-25

Sermon “Changing the World, One Life at a Time”

Hymn of Response – “Share His Love”

Benediction – “Sent Forth by God’s Blessing”

Postlude – “The Spirit Sends Us Forth to Serve”

--- Open and read the full worship bulletin for our service today by clicking here.

--- Are you new to the church or the area? Say hello on our Guest Info form here.

--- Is there something we can be praying about for you or others? Share a Prayer Concern, and you can mark how private you would like it to remain, by clicking here.

--- Get weekly updates, encouragements, and info by signing up here.

--- Giving offerings and tithes can be done securely with a card by clicking here.



Worship Service - November 5

The livestream worship broadcast begins Sunday mornings a little before 11:00 am and is saved online afterward. (If there is ever a livestreaming problem, check our YouTube page HERE and our Facebook page HERE.)


Meditation Thought for Worship: It is a fact of life that one day we will no longer be here physically, but our legacy and impact can have long-lasting even eternal effects. So how do you want to be remembered after you’re gone? If we follow the instructions of Jesus—which are simple to read but take a lifetime to apply—then when we leave this world, we too can be counted among the saints.

Prelude – “Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee ”


Call to Worship – “Give Thanks”

Hymn of Praise – “For All the Saints”

Old Testament Reading –Psalm 34:1-10, 22

Prayers of the People

Naming the Saints We Have Lost

Choral Response – “Hear Our Prayer, O Lord”

Responsive Reading

Hymn of Faith “All That Thrills My Soul”

Offertory Prayer

Musical Offering – "Hold Fast to What is Good”

New Testament Reading Luke 6:20-26

Sermon “How to Be a Saint”

Hymn of Response – “The Solid Rock”

Benediction – “Sent Forth by God’s Blessing”

Postlude – “Go Forth for God ”

--- Open and read the full worship bulletin for our service today by clicking here.

--- Are you new to the church or the area? Say hello on our Guest Info form here.

--- Is there something we can be praying about for you or others? Share a Prayer Concern, and you can mark how private you would like it to remain, by clicking here.

--- Get weekly updates, encouragements, and info by signing up here.

--- Giving offerings and tithes can be done securely with a card by clicking here.



Bible Study – Conflict and Peace in the Holy Land, part 1

This week we start a new series to help us learn about the historical and modern-day situation in the area we call the Holy Land—the stretch of land featured in the Bible that is important to Christians, Jews, and Muslims. The situation there is deep and complex, so we will spend many weeks learning about different aspects of it. In this first week we learn about Christians who have lived in Palestine since the very beginning of the Christian church.



Vestibule Bathroom Renovations

A lot of time and work has gone into making the bathroom in our vestibule look presentable. Now it's beautiful! Thank you to everyone who planned, worked, and set it up to help our space look lovely.



Worship Service - October 29

The livestream worship broadcast begins Sunday mornings a little before 11:00 am and is saved online afterward. (If there is ever a livestreaming problem, check our YouTube page HERE and our Facebook page HERE.)


Meditation Thought for Worship: There is always more for us to learn. To do so, we must look more deeply at the world, ourselves, God, and Jesus. There are more ways that God is present in the world than we notice with a quick glance. And Jesus is actually more incredible than we first think. Even in the deepest, hardest parts of life, God in Christ is there with us.

 Prelude – “Come Thou Almighty King”


Hymn of Praise – “We Are Called to Be God's People”

Old Testament Reading –Psalm 147:1-11

Prayers of the People

The Lord’s Prayer

Hymn of Faith “Higher Ground”

Offertory Prayer

Musical Offering – "There’s a Land that is Fairer than Day”

New Testament Reading Colossians 1:15-22

Sermon “Looking Deeper, Recognizing the Struggle”

Hymn of Response – “Near to the Heart of God”


Postlude – “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms”

--- Open and read the full worship bulletin for our service today by clicking here.

--- Are you new to the church or the area? Say hello on our Guest Info form here.

--- Is there something we can be praying about for you or others? Share a Prayer Concern, and you can mark how private you would like it to remain, by clicking here.

--- Get weekly updates, encouragements, and info by signing up here.

--- Giving offerings and tithes can be done securely with a card by clicking here.



Gutter Repair Project & Update

The sanctuary gutter repair work has started and will take about two months, depending on weather and availability of supplies. We continue to raise money for the repairs. Please make this a matter of prayer as we address the big repair cost. So far people have pledged $61,300! Our goal is $80,000, so we're making progress! May it inspire others as well to help our sanctuary building look its best. Pledges and/or donations can be made by contacting Debbie Sprinkle at the church office (645-6720,



Worship Service - October 22

The livestream worship broadcast begins Sunday mornings a little before 11:00 am and is saved online afterward. (If there is ever a livestreaming problem, check our YouTube page HERE and our Facebook page HERE.)


Meditation Thought for Worship: God invites all people into the kingdom, but not everyone wants to be part of a kingdom that lets anybody in. And some people just want to be in for the perks, then don’t care enough to let God’s love really sink in. But if we can let ourselves be part of God’s big kingdom and let it change us, then it will be like a non-stop celebration, now and forever.

Prelude – “For the Beauty of the Earth”


Hymn of Praise – “Open My Eyes, That I May See”

Old Testament Reading –Isaiah 25:1, 6-8

Prayers of the People

Choral Response – “Hear Our Prayer, O Lord”

Responsive Reading

Hymn of Faith “Glorify Thy Name”

Offertory Prayer

Musical Offering – "My Tribute”

New Testament Reading Matthew 22:1-14

Sermon “Accepting What It’s Like in God’s Kingdom”

Hymn of Response – “‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus”


Postlude – “Trusting Jesus”

--- Open and read the full worship bulletin for our service today by clicking here.

--- Are you new to the church or the area? Say hello on our Guest Info form here.

--- Is there something we can be praying about for you or others? Share a Prayer Concern, and you can mark how private you would like it to remain, by clicking here.

--- Get weekly updates, encouragements, and info by signing up here.

--- Giving offerings and tithes can be done securely with a card by clicking here.



Bible Study – Inspired by Missionaries: Andy & Jutta Cowie (Haiti and West Africa), John 10:10

The missionaries we learn about this week are doing something great that we all can do: using the specific gifts they have to help people's lives be more abundant. Andy teaches young people how to repair cars, and Jutta helps women setup small businesses to provide for their families. All of the support, encouragement, and empowerment comes from the love of Christ and with the love of Christ. What skills and passions do you have?

Read John 10:10 online here.



Worship Service - October 15

The livestream worship broadcast begins Sunday mornings a little before 11:00 am and is saved online afterward. (If there is ever a livestreaming problem, check our YouTube page HERE and our Facebook page HERE.)


Meditation Thought for Worship: Many Christians spend time trying to get their beliefs, opinions, and words right, but then they don’t pay attention to how they’re acting. Jesus is more concerned with how we live than what we say. Instead of worrying about what we will say, post, or shout, we should spend time planning how we will work, serve, and love.

Prelude – “Rejoice Ye Pure in Heart”


Hymn of Praise – "O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing”

Responsive Reading

Old Testament Reading – Psalm 25:1-11

Prayers of the People

Choral Response – “Hear Our Prayer, O Lord”

Hymn of Faith “Since Jesus Came into My Heart”

Offertory Prayer

Musical Offering – "Just a Closer Walk”

New Testament Reading Matthew 21:28-32

Sermon “Holy Actions Speak Louder than Holy Words”

Hymn of Response – “Christians, Let Us Go and Serve Him”


Postlude – “Alleluia”

--- Open and read the full worship bulletin for our service today by clicking here.

--- Are you new to the church or the area? Say hello on our Guest Info form here.

--- Is there something we can be praying about for you or others? Share a Prayer Concern, and you can mark how private you would like it to remain, by clicking here.

--- Get weekly updates, encouragements, and info by signing up here.

--- Giving offerings and tithes can be done securely with a card by clicking here.



Minister of Music job opening

Minister of Music

Primary Function:

The Minister of Music is responsible for leading the church in a dynamic music ministry that will inspire and enhance congregational worship and fellowship. They will engage all ages in a variety of music experiences and education. They will promote music as a vital part of worship and spiritual growth.

[Click on job title to



Organist job opening

First Baptist Church Weaverville is seeking a part-time Organist. Someone who feels called by God and has a great love for church music.


  • Education: 4 year college music degree preferred. ( 2-4 year college degree acceptable)

  • Experienced on the organ and piano, to help guide the church in worship.

  • Comfortable with a wide variety of musical styles.

  • Possess good interpersonal skills and relates well to all age groups.

[Click on job title to



Worship Service - October 8

The livestream worship broadcast begins Sunday mornings a little before 11:00 am and is saved online afterward. (If there is ever a livestreaming problem, check our YouTube page HERE and our Facebook page HERE.)


Meditation Thought for Worship: If you were in charge of the world, what would you change? Maybe make sure that bad stuff would only happen to people you thought deserved it, and only good stuff happened to the people you thought deserved it? That sounds nice to us, but it’s not how the kingdom of heaven operates. In fact, God’s love is so unconditional and God’s grace is so amazing that it’s given to people in ways we think just isn’t fair at all. But that’s why we get to receive it too.

Prelude – “My Savior’s Love”


Hymn of Praise – "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”

Old Testament Reading – Psalm 103:1-10

Prayers of the People

The Lord’s Prayer

Hymn of Faith “I Stand Amazed in the Presence”

Offertory Prayer

Musical Offering – "Moment by Moment"

New Testament Reading Matthew 20:1-16

Sermon “The Kingdom of Heaven Doesn’t Seem Fair to Us”

Hymn of Response – “Come and Feast, for All Are Welcomed”

Celebration of the Lord’s Supper


Postlude – “Hallelujah! What A Savior”

--- Open and read the full worship bulletin for our service today by clicking here.

--- Are you new to the church or the area? Say hello on our Guest Info form here.

--- Is there something we can be praying about for you or others? Share a Prayer Concern, and you can mark how private you would like it to remain, by clicking here.

--- Get weekly updates, encouragements, and info by signing up here.

--- Giving offerings and tithes can be done securely with a card by clicking here.



Bible Study – Inspired by Missionaries: Rick & Lita Sample (San Francisco), 1 Peter 4:7-11

Unfortunately Pastor Stuart forgot to press record to make a video of the good Bible Study discussion we had this time. But you can still learn about the missionaries we met that our church offerings support.

Rick & Lita Sample work with immigrants in the San Francisco area. (Learn about them here!) Many of the people they serve are refugees from Burma. There are over a hundred different ethnicities in Burma, and the Karen people are an oppressed minority. The Samples help them navigate life in the States and connect with a Christian church where they can worship in their own language. That is true hospitality: one that welcomes, helps, and always respects.

We watched two short videos with some of the Karen people there in San Francisco. Zar Blue Paw talks about what life was like back in Burma and now in the US (watch that video here). Kyaw Soe is the pastor of the Karen church, and he talks about how meaningful it is for them to worship together (watch the video here).

The Samples' ministry is guided by 1 Peter 4:7-11 (read it here), which says that one of the ways we can show God's love is by welcoming people. So how can we, with our mission field of Weaverville, be inspired by the Samples' work in their mission field?



Russian Baptist Leader Flees for Safety

Yuri Sipko, a pastor and former president of the Union of Baptists in Russia, had to flee the country in August when authorities attempted to arrest him for publicly praying for peace in Ukraine. He anticipated the government’s action after his participation in a virtual prayer vigil in February. The event was hosted by Mission Eurasia on the one-year anniversary of the invasion.

Pastor Sipko said, “The law makes it a crime to call the war a ‘war’ and does not allow anyone to call for peace in Ukraine. But I prayed for peace and said it is a crime to drop rockets and bombs on the Ukrainian people.”

He evaded capture at his Moscow home on Aug. 8 and has since been placed on a most-wanted list for disseminating “false information” about the invasion. “It is a terrible thing when the word ‘peace’ is outlawed. Everything is upside down in Russia. But until I am gagged, I will continue to speak out. The gospel and Christianity compel us not to remain silent. Jesus Christ was not silent, and the apostles were not silent. Paul was not silent even when he was in prison. I am merely following the example of the gospel and such great Christian witnesses.”

Mission Eurasia is a Nashville-based global ministry helping Sipko with living expenses while he is in hiding. Mission Eurasia president Sergey Rakhuba said that Pastor Sipko “left his house in a t-shirt and jeans and barely managed to escape. They came after him with special police, like SWAT teams. They wanted to arrest a pastor for saying, ‘Stop killing people’ and ‘Stop bombing people.’ The state threatens evangelicals and there is no religious freedom under Putin. Only the Russian Orthodox Church has freedom, and the state threatens evangelicals with imprisonment.”

He added a plea for US churches to continue helping and praying for Ukraine: “Ukraine is a very resilient nation, but they need help defending their country, feeding their people, and protecting their right to freely worship God.”
